Friday, July 17, 2009

still digging it


Indonesia is still wonderful. I am really quite sad that it is almost over, I could really live like this forever. and by that, I mean I could run away from the real world forever. or maybe not.

I am currently in Yogyakatra, which is the "soul" of Java. today we went to two temples, Borobudur and Prambanan, the former of which absolutely took my breath away. tonight we are heading to BALI (!) which was not originally in my plans but I have been a major victim of FOMO (fear of missing out) ever since I have been here. today is my cousin mathias' birthday and we will be getting in with just enough time to get to a dance floor/bar/brothel (if the guys get their way) to celebrate the last few minutes of the first day of his twenty second year. should be swell.

one thing that no one ever talks about when they talk about their love for travel is how brain dead it makes you. I swear there have been a bevy of fabulous things to describe, but the combination of too much beer, non-stop swiss german and incredibly humid heat makes putting two and two together complicated. so I will try to formulate something worth reading when I am back in Schland next week. that is, of course, unless I decide to run off and join the circus.

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