Monday, July 27, 2009

home in Freiburg! for now.

I am home and have been for 6 days.

Unfortunately due to certain financial issues I wasn't able to buy a camera, but I was blessed to be traveling with photo-fanatics, all of whom are really, really talented, but also really, really still in Indonesia. so as soon as they get home (saturday) they will hopefully (I will threaten them) send me some pictures and I will tell you all some stories. The waiting on baited breath can commence now.

other than that, there is a lot of emotional identity/quarter life crisis related soul searching happening right now, which I deem inappropriate for the blog world. In fact, I am seriously considering a "for my eyes only" journal. like on paper. bound in book form. woah.just know that, like my friend Kelly, big things are afoot.

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