Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ode to breakfast

Dearest Early Piece,

We have been together for nearly a month.
Every morning, sometime between 6 and 9
I come into the kitchen
to adore your splendors.

You have taken many forms
from cereal to yogurt
(and only once a croissant from
the bakery)
but most often, you are
mixed berry oatmeal
two hard boiled eggs
and tea.
always tea.

You give me a reason to
get out of bed
earlier than ever before
and fill my tummy
so that it doesn't grumble
and disrupt my students

Your vessels have changed
from years-old hand me downs
to newly acquired Ikea treasures
and your venue has moved
down the street and
into my bed
but please, breakfast, don't get
too comfortable
for I foresee another move
out to the balcony
to enjoy the early morning sun.

Yours faithfully,

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