Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I have a new apartment!

Everything has been pretty busy, but things are slowly but surely coming together.

I do suppose this is what people call "real life"... I have a place I am happy with, but which is by no means perfect. I always thought my German was pretty good, but the more problems I discover I realize I have never learned how to say "plumber" (Klempner) or "faucet" (Wasserhahn)

Also, I am always amazed at how much I took for granted. Like in order to do ANYTHING in the apartment, I need a screwdriver. I have never bought a screwdriver before. I had never even thought of buying a screwdriver before. Now I have four, but still cant get things done because I also need an electric one. Ah, the little things.

But I have a bed, and a telephone, and unlimited internet (which will soon be wireless) Also, I have aubergine walls and an ever-growing addiction to finding danish furniture on ebay (that I ultimately can't afford, but love bidding on when it is in the one-to-two euro range)

So, things are going well

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