Friday, April 30, 2010

on feeling overfed and fabulous

and so it ends.

I left the house last night after singing "Ein Männlein steht im Walde" one last time, hopped on my scooter, taste of beef of broccoli quiche still in my mouth, the slightest hint of a sunburn on my shoulder, and zipped down to bid adieu to my friends once more in the best possible way: an under attended American redux concert.

These seven months were fine. I met some people, burned some bridges, saw some things, and did what most people do in seven months. I learned a lot about parenting, marriage, and "real life" and decided that, well, maybe I don't have to be in any rush.

That being said, it seems like my kind-of gap year (which turned into two) is coming to an end. Bigger, better things are afoot, and I couldn't be more excited.

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