Tuesday, February 16, 2010

no sugar

oh beloved abused blog,

great news! I will be moving to New York on May 3rd, which is only two and a half months away. now I just have to think of some cheap adventures to bide my time.

adventure numero un: my sweet friend Lori has convinced me to give up sugar for lent. I am not at all religious, but certainly giving something up that I consume excessively will be good for me, and the lord knows I could never sacrifice my cheese. so chocolate, cookies, and cakes it is!

so farewell, good friend.

adventure numero deux: a few weekends in Freiburg... ok, that's not adventurous at all, actually, but will be swell nonetheless. Cafe istanbul, major face time with Lia, booty shaking at Kagan and lots of unsweetened coffee pretty much sums that one up.

numero trois: London with Chen the charmer, who I have had the pleasure of seeing all over the place these last few months. since we held hands while we ice skated in central park and watched the surfers in socal, I feel like maybe we should live out some British romcom cliche as well... maybe I will make her posters professing my love and silently show them to her while playing a CD of christmas carols in the background? seems appropriate.

quatre: MACEDONIA. for the love of all things holy and delicious I hope that I can go explore that corner of the world with Janey in my favorite month of all. making it that much more adventurous, I'm thinking of taking a bus there. 27 hours, 5 countries, lots of new Macedonian friends? methinks yes.

any more ideas are heartily encouraged. more skiing (yep, I went once) would probably be a good start. and maybe a raw foods week?

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