Monday, December 1, 2008

Hobbies or how to be the perfect German

I wrote a while back that I wish I had a hobby. This fact holds true. 

You see, the truth is, I have never really had a hobby. Not that I never wanted one, oh no, but hobbies and I don't really seem to match up very well. One needs patience, talent, money, or creativity for a hobby. I unfortunately don't seem to really possess any of these qualities. 

I mean, I consider myself a quite-patient person in the "real world" but in the hobby world I tend to give up when I realize that my attempts are going nowhere, slow. Take for example the "I play guitar" phase of 2001 (which lasted approximately four weeks. I mastered power chords and felt that that was enough, thank you) 

I really think I would like photography, but the start up costs are far too high to take the risk of possibly not loving it (which, based on the fact that I am not one of those people who is naturally good at things and therefore gives up easily, is rather likely) 

So I am (and have been, since my mom took me out of ballet when I was four because, and I quote "my daughter was the elephant in the room of swans") at a loss. Don't do sports. Don't play an instrument. Have only the average person's affinity for nature/animals. Art? Ha!

Luckily, though, I am now in Germany, and am being introduced to a whole new world of hobbies that one would never really think of at home. 

My favorite hobby that I have recently adopted is juggling. Juggling! Why didn't I ever think of it? It's perfect! It costs almost nothing. It is relatively quick to learn, but you can add on to it. It is a stress reliever. It is positively lovely.

I have also taken to making transparent window stars. Last weekend I met with a student, who taught me the ins and outs of this time consuming but very rewarding crafting activity. I think I am hooked... so look forward to many a star in your future!

Finally, I think I am going to look into the other very German art form of... felting? 

I can make dwarves and mushrooms (and other very useful things like egg warmers) out of sheep's wool! I know you probably all think I am crazy, but I think it is cute... and oh so German. 

Add these three things to my already-mastered roasted pumpkins, beets, and brussel sprouts and the best butterkuchen you have ever tasted and hell, I am a pretty awesome German.

1 comment:

Jane said...

lol cheryl...btw I think you are a great cook. We totally have an unopened transparent window star kit from the eighties lying around that I will gift you if I can find it. I bet you would like origami too, crafting dates in the near future??